What’s IN and OUT for IR in 2025?
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

What’s IN and OUT for IR in 2025?

In and out for IR in 2025?

What’s OUT:

  • BUZZWORDS of all kinds (thrilled, groundbreaking, fascinating, everything!) In corporate life, nothing typically is that fancy – and it sounds so much like generative AI… see the next bullet…

  • AI/COPY-PASTE -releases, AI-driven bot help services (aarrggh), AI-written blogs (with 5 numbered topics), AI-written quotes: I’m so delighted to… I’m thrilled to get Mr. X onboard…

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Slush 2024 behind!
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Slush 2024 behind!

Appetite grows as you begin to eat, as the modified (Finnish) saying goes…

We had a blast attending the world’s largest start-up event Slush in Helsinki on November 21-22. It was a mixture of great connections, discussions, and meetings. The spirit of Slush is actually pretty hard to explain. You have to feel it.

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Getting results in IR should not take that long…
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Getting results in IR should not take that long…

Yet, it often does. Let’s take a little look at what has changed.

  • Our time concept has changed with digital

  • Everyone’s attentions spans continue to shrink, including investors

  • The amount of data on the internet has… we all know what has happened.. skyrocketed.. or even more…

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Time to something in a different way, right?
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Time to something in a different way, right?

Today we held a digital IR communication webinar on the rather exciting topic "three (expensive) mistakes you can unintentionally make - how to avoid them".

Many thanks to those who participated!

Many have concretely noticed that the methods of operation that worked well in the past no longer necessarily work as well with results as before... what has changed?

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Tervetuloa webinaariin: kolme (kallisarvoista) virhettä digitaalisessa IR:ssä - joita et halua tehdä
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Tervetuloa webinaariin: kolme (kallisarvoista) virhettä digitaalisessa IR:ssä - joita et halua tehdä

Aihe: Monet meistä ovat huomanneet, että perinteiset tavat tehdä IR:ää eivät välttämättä enää tuo enää samanlaisia tuloksia kuin aiemmin. Et ole yksin. Monet kollegat ovat huomanneet saman.

Miksi? Tule kuulemaan asiasta webinaariin.

Webinaari on tarkoitettu listayhtiön sijoittajaviestinnässä työskenteleville. Kieli on suomi. Tervetuloa!

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Challenges faced by companies in engaging individual investors
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Challenges faced by companies in engaging individual investors

From a listed company IRO’s (investor relations) perspective, engaging retail or individual investors, as I like to call them, presents a set of challenges that differ from those encountered when dealing with institutional investors.

Why is that?

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Three things to consider in the IR online world (investor relations)
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Three things to consider in the IR online world (investor relations)

As an IRO of a listed company, how to run IR effortlessly, successfully, and particularly impactfully in the online world? Not to mention the topics of the day, which are among others, openness and transparency and the rise of the retail investor. Here are some things gathered together when formulating your message online.

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Nykyiset sijoittajasuhdeviestinnän keinot eivät tänä päivänä enää riitä
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Nykyiset sijoittajasuhdeviestinnän keinot eivät tänä päivänä enää riitä

Kauppalehti kirjoittaa tänään ajankohtaisesta aiheesta koskien välillisesti myös sijoittajaviestinnän kenttää. Vähäisestä vaihdosta johtuen pörssi on ottanut joidenkin yhtiöiden kohdalla käyttöön huutokauppamenettelyn. Suomesta tähän menettelyyn päätyi toki vain yksi yhtiö, mutta artikkelin mukaan hilkulla oli muitakin. "Yhtiö voi vauhdittaa osakkeen likviditeettiä lisäämällä viestintää, varmistamalla analyytikkoseurantaa sekä käyttämällä markkinatakaajaa", toimittaja kirjoittaa. Nämä ovat toki vaihtoehtoja... vai riittävätkö ne nykypäivänä?

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Earnings season is approaching…
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Earnings season is approaching…

There’s rarely been this exciting earnings season around the corner. Here’s a checklist of five things to consider when planning your earnings release from investor relations’ perspective.

1. 🍀 Compelling message. In today’s information overflow, sharp messaging is a key to attaining investor interest. It might sound self-evident, however, to stand out in the information overflow, there is no better way to stand out in the competition than precise, sharp, and strong messaging.

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Webinar: AI in IR?
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Webinar: AI in IR?

In the morning, Blue Berry Share held a webinar for investor relations professionals of Finnish listed companies on the topic "AI and IR" - a big thank you to everyone who participated, great!!

Here is a short summary of the topic.

The rapidly developing AI (artificial intelligence) really only came into consciousness with ChatGPT and language models. Now AI helps any individual investor to make better investment decisions by quickly interpreting huge amounts of data at once…

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Blue Berry Share‘s at Slush!
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Blue Berry Share‘s at Slush!

User experience has been on everyone’s lips for ages. Now it is high time to think about INVESTOR EXPERIENCE. How to manage investor experience of publicly listed companies? With passion. With cost-efficiency. With results.

Our software brain Jaakko Melamies and our founder Mervi Pohjoisaho presented us at Slush, meeting with investors, other stakeholders and colleagues - not to mention friends! It was a successful networking event, and with this energy and feedback, we’re ready to progress forward.

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The rise of retail investors..
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

The rise of retail investors..

On a dark Scandinavian morning of November 10, we held a webinar on the subject of private investors and digital IR. We delved into the increased role of private investors in the stock market, and what it means for listed companies' digital IR communication. Many thanks to all participants!

Here is a short summary of the topic.

The number of private investors has continued to grow steadily - here and around the world. It is estimated that the number of private investors has even doubled in Europe in a few years.

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Why digital investor communications?
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Why digital investor communications?

On September 29, 2023 we organized a webinar on digital investor communications for a group of IR professionals working in Finnish listed companies. We were so happy to see so many faces in the audience!

We went through the main trends in digital investor communications and discussed about the importance of innovation and transparency in investor communications.

What are the drivers behind digital investor communications?

First, a little background. There are many drivers on the market that drive IR's traditional operating methods towards digital ones, in addition to the current operating methods. These are e.g. …

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Miksi sijoittajaviestinnässä ”less is often more”?
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Miksi sijoittajaviestinnässä ”less is often more”?

Tiedon tulvassa helposti käsitettävän tiedon merkitystä ei voi liikaa korostaa. Erityisesti tämä korostuu sijoittajasuhdeviestinnän (IR) maailmassa, jossa informaatio on keskeinen osa markkinoiden toimintaa. Perinteinen, hieman karu vertaus onkin, että osakemarkkinoilla ”information is the blood in the veins”.

Mitä yleisiä asioita tulisi huomioida, kun viestitään tänä päivänä sijoittajakohderyhmälle?

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The old means have become antiquated, it’s time to go digital…
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

The old means have become antiquated, it’s time to go digital…

Tiesitkö, että…

· 88 % sijoittajista kertoo, että he ovat tehneet investointipäätöksen perustuen digitaalisen median tietoon?

· 81 % sijoittajista teki sijoituspäätöksen sen jälkeen, kun he olivat hakeneet tietoa digitaalisesta mediasta?

· 94 % sijoittajista kertoo, että he etsivät tietoa erilaisista digitaalisista kanavista sijoituspäätöksensä tueksi?

*) Brunswick Digital Investor Survey, 2023.

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How to efficiently engage investors online today? 
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

How to efficiently engage investors online today? 

IR (meaning investor relations of listed companies in this context) has changed somewhat only over the past few years. Yet the core principles such as building relationships and regulatory communications of course remain, however, new ways of engaging investors are here to stay.

What to consider when engaging investors in the online world?

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Why consider going digital first in IR?
Mervi Pohjoisaho Mervi Pohjoisaho

Why consider going digital first in IR?

The most frequent question I typically hear from small and mid-cap listed companies is:

- How to get our equity story delivered to investors?

This is the same question that popped up when I was working as IR in a small cap company and the same questions that frequently, or almost every time came across when working as IR consultant for companies.

Often, when thinking about IR, we typically tend to think about larger companies with whom brokers are actively working with road shows and meetings.

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