Time to something in a different way, right?

Today we held a digital IR communication webinar on the rather exciting topic "three (expensive) mistakes you can unintentionally make - how to avoid them".

Many thanks to those who participated!

Despite the current IR measures, many companies struggle with the following challenges:

- Low trading activity of the stock

- It is difficult to get the company's investor story heard

- It is difficult to get investor attention

Many have concretely noticed that the methods of operation that worked well in the past no longer necessarily work as well with results as before... what has changed?

The biggest change has taken place in the OPERATING ENVIRONMENT of investor relations.

If ….

- the number of private investors has doubled in just a few years in Europe

- the number of analysts is 1/2 of what it was a few years ago (many companies have concretely noticed this, for many only paid analysis is available)

- investment decisions are mainly made on the basis of online information (81%, Brunswick 2023), bypassing bankers..

... so it's pretty clear that it's no longer enough that we just always do things better and better. We also have to do things in a new way. In an innovative way. In a way that also respects both your and the investor's precious time.

AI has only increased the flood of information in the recipient's head, information responses and attention spans have only shortened. The amount of information in bits increases exponentially.

The group of private investors currently includes many different types of investors, e.g. semi-professionals, foreigners. Through investor platforms, you can trade with one click from almost anywhere in the world. The skill level of many private investors is professional, and they do their own analyses.

Time to do something in a different way, right?

We invite you to get to know Blue Berry Share.



Three tips to consider…


Tervetuloa webinaariin: kolme (kallisarvoista) virhettä digitaalisessa IR:ssä - joita et halua tehdä