About Us

We believe in the power of connection. Our team’s mission is to enable successful fostering of transparent and meaningful relationships between companies and their investors. We simplify and amplify - our vision is to make you succeed in your work.

We want to help companies serve every investor, not depending on their portfolio size or current position in the company.

We currently only share information about our solution for selected parties. Please feel free to contact, whether you are an investor, customer, or otherwise excited about innovations on the capital markets.

Contact information

Mervi Pohjoisaho, M.Sc. (Econ.), CIRP (Certified IR Professional)

+358 40 535 8989

mervi (at) blueberryshare.fi

Mervi Pohjoisaho, CEO & Founder of Blue Berry Share:

“Our goal is to enable transparency in investor communications to every investor, not depending on an investor's portfolio size or location.”




+358 40 535 8989